Discover your world & its possibilities

Dive in your own flow!

Hello and welcome !

I will be totally honest with you, coming up with a visual idea for my practice is a very intense work: How can I frame Touch, feelings and sensations in words so that a reader can grasp it and project itself in the experience?
My head hasn’t fully made the round with this question and yet, it seems to encompass the Essence of my work which is about exploration and authenticity.

My practice lays on the belief that our Experience is not neatly stored in a corner of our head that we call “memory”, but every information from what we see, what we hear, the chills on our skin, the stress-like taste in our mouth, the subtle tensions that our conscious mind cannot spot are being registered, especially during stressful events is being registered. When we live emotional situations it is with of our Being and all our nervous system is being impacted.

My art is about creating Space within our experience.

Because of the mix of Verbal communication, Touch and Breathing, deeper layers are often touched and energy is set in motion. People can therefore connect with their body, feelings, wishes, powers: their own Flow. Naturally, each person has a unique way to experience Life and my intention is really to invite you for the exploration of the feelings lying within your Body, of the unconscious part of your Being and find the connection to a deeper sense of self.

For the session, I’d like you to bring the dimensions of your life you would like to explore; if there are feelings that are coming up regularly, maybe there are situations that are not totally set yet, maybe confused or overwhelming or bring the wish for anything you would like more of in your Life. This approach can help you get some new insights from a body perspective.

If anything feels unclear, please feel free to reach out. 🐾

| Pricing on a sliding scale |

| Higher contributions allow lower budget to benefit from the practice |


Current – Großer Heilpraktiker Ausbildung – Wellness Therapist at Northern Holistic (Schöneberg, Berlin)

2024 – Yoga Teacher Training | Hatha Yoga of Rishiculture (Berlin)

2023 – Pantarei Approach (Berlin)

2021 – Triggerpunkttherapie (Berlin) – Reiki (lvl 1) (Berlin)

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